Privacy Policy
This Privacy Notice sets forth the information gathering, use, and dissemination practices of J2C2 inc, d/b/a Accounts Receivable Services ("ARS") in connection with the World-Wide Web site located at (its "Website"). This Privacy Notice addresses ARS's practices regarding information collected only directly through or from its Website - it does not address or govern any information gathering, use, or dissemination practices related to information collected other than directly through or from its Website, including, without limitation, from or via telephone, facsimile, postal mail, personal delivery, or other or additional offline means or media.
ARS may collect, use, and store information on the domain you use to access its Website, the Internet address of the site from which you linked directly to its Website, and the date and time of your visit to its Website. This information may be used to measure the number of visitors to the various pages on the ARS Website, to help make improvements to the information contained on the site, and to better serve site visitors. ARS also may collect, use, and store the e-mail addresses of users that communicate with ARS via e-mail, information knowingly provided by Website users, and information regarding which Website pages users access.
Personal information contained in e-mail sent by individuals may be used by ARS to answer questions, follow-up on suggestions or complaints, process requests or transactions, or improve the level of service ARS provides.
Except as provided below, ARS does not share any personally identifiable information obtained on its Website with or sell information obtained on this Website to any company or marketing group external to ARS. ARS may, however, share aggregate information with other persons or entities for purposes determined by ARS to be appropriate.
ARS may disclose personally identifiable information (i) to another entity with which ARS enters or reasonably may enter into a corporate transaction, such as, for example, a merger, consolidation, acquisition, or asset purchase, (ii) to a third party pursuant to a subpoena, court order, or other form of legal process or in response to a request by or on behalf of any local, state, federal, or other government agency, department, or body, whether or not pursuant to a subpoena, court order, or other form of legal process, or (iii) to a third party if determined by ARS in its sole judgment that such disclosure is appropriate to protect the life, health, or property of ARS or any other person or entity. (The foregoing is not intended to obviate or displace any legal obligations or duties applicable to ARS.)
Except as necessary for ARS to provide the services, information, or products requested by a Website user, or except for the disclosures identified in the preceding paragraph, the user may opt out of having his or her personally identifiable information, which has been voluntarily provided to ARS through or from its Website, prospectively retained by ARS, used by ARS for secondary purposes, or disclosed by ARS to third parties, by contacting ARS via postal mail at the address set out below or at the following e-mail address:
While ARS may undertake efforts to see that another party to which ARS shares personal information is under a contractual obligation to use the personal information solely for the purposes for which the information was disclosed by ARS, ARS exercises no control over such parties and ARS is not responsible for their conduct, actions, omissions, or information handling or dissemination practices.
E-mail posted or sent through this Website may not be secure against interception by unauthorized individuals. To protect against interception by unauthorized individuals, we will not respond to e-mail requests concerning accounts placed for collection. Therefore, if you are communicating with ARS regarding a debt that has been placed for collection with National Recovery Agency, all correspondence regarding that account should be sent by U.S. Postal Service unless individual provides National Recovery Agency with a written authorization and waiver to communicate by electronic mail. Be sure to include your name, your mailing address, the ARS account number, creditor name, and creditor account number so that we may process your inquiry and respond promptly. Without complete information, we will be unable to respond to your request. The address for mailing inquiries is:
P.O. Box 2536
Salina KS 67402-2536
Emails posted or sent through this website shall be ineffective to dispute a debt that has been placed for collection with ARS and does not trigger ARS's obligation to verify a disputed debt pursuant to 11 U.S.C. 31092G(b). Such emails also are NOT considered to be ARS's first communication with the sender for the purposes of 11 U.S.C. 51692G(a).
ARS has implemented physical, electronic, and procedural security safeguards to protect against the unauthorized release of or access to personal information. Additionally to further safeguard this information, our employees are asked to agree to ARS's Information Security Policy as well as Confidentiality Agreements, and are subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment if they fail to follow signed agreements.
ARS may change this Privacy Notice at any time.. It is the obligation of users visiting the Website before the change to learn of changes to the Privacy Notice since their last visit. Any change to this Privacy Notice shall be effective as to any Website user who has visited the Website before the change was made.
Terms & Conditions
By accessing the J2C2 inc, d/b/a Accounts Receivable Services (“ARS”) Website, each user ("User") agrees to the following:
- User agrees that he/she will not, in any way, modify, move, add to, delete or otherwise tamper with the information contained in and by accessing the ARS Website, each user ("User") agrees to the following: Website, nor will he/she decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble or otherwise unlawfully use or reduce any of the software, copyrighted or trademarked material, trade secrets or other proprietary information contained in the ARS Website. User agrees not to run any programs that are not displayed at the ARS Website.
- Although ARS takes many precautions against infection, User assumes the risk that the ARS Website may contain computer viruses that could be introduced to User's computer if User downloads any information.
- Although ARS monitors the information in its Website, some of the information is supplied by independent third parties. While ARS makes every effort to insure the accuracy of all information at the ARS Website, ARS makes no warranty as to the accuracy of any such information.
- The ARS Website is for information purposes only. The information available through the Website is the property of ARS or its licensors, and is protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws. Information received through the Website may be displayed, reformatted, and printed for your personal, non-commercial use only. No information, materials, images or data contained herein may otherwise be reproduced by any User, except in compliance with applicable copyright laws.
- The ARS Website contains hyperlinks that will let you access other sites on the internet. These sites are not under the control of ARS. ARS does not endorse any of these sites. ARS assumes no responsibility or liability for any obscene, defamatory or other illegal material that may reside in any other Website accessed through ARS’s Website, nor does ARS make any representation regarding the quality of any product or service contained at any such site.
- ARS assumes no liability for the use by any party of any information provided by User in using the ARS Website.
- ARS does not warrant that the operations of the Website will be uninterrupted or error-free, nor does ARS make any warranty as to the results to be obtained from the ARS Website.
- ARS does not permit its systems to receive unsolicited commercial email ("UCE") of any sort. Users who send UCE to any domain owned by ARS, or any related business venture within ARS’s scope of business, implicitly and patently agrees to permit the ARS administrators to forward any such mail to third-party entities, such as system administrators, abuse departments,,, or any other reporting agencies, as ARS, in their sole discretion, sees fit. Further, user agrees to relinquish any copyright to such mail, for reporting purposes.